Sunday, 11 August 2013

I am so tired.

I forgot password of Google acount.

Now I remember it, so I can post this blog.

It takes more than 3 hours to remember it.

So I am so tired.

 I will never forget it.

Thursday, 7 February 2013


I suffered from infectious disease by Norovirus.

Nasty nausea and diarrhea disturbed sleep all night long on Tuesday.

Last Sunday I ate many oysters at a oyster hut near Miyajimaguchi station.

I should have been more carefully about eating oyster.

I could not eat anything for two days.  I drunk only  water to prevent dehydration.


Sunday, 3 February 2013

Mt. Takeda

I climbed Mt. Takeda in this afternoon.

I cried out " I've taken over the world just now. It is not a big deal!" on the rock at the summit.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Algeria Hostage Crisis

I am very sorry.

I have some friends working for JGC corporation.

And JGC people were so kind for me.

And JGC corporation has contributed to Algeria for a long time.

I hate strongly terrorists.

I can't say any words furthermore.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Tablets are useful.

I got several tablets last year.

Those are Kindle3 ,i Pad,Kindle paper white and Kindle HD.

Only just one year ago, I did not have any tablet terminals.

But I have  those useful devices now.

I am satisfied that I got those devices.

My PC is so old that it could not work well.

Now I can do everything using tablets except for writing this blog.

I think I can write that blog by i Pad.

I have to check the possibility on the internet.