Sunday, 14 October 2012


I enjoyed  sailing today in Hiroshima bay .

Wind  was very good , so the sailing boat could sail very well.

I saw more than 5 sailing boats .

I could be relaxed well during the sailing .

But my concern is that my boat is very old , so the condition is getting worse.

The deterioration might not be acceptable for our safety sailing .

In the near future I should decide which  the boat will be retired or repaired  .

Anyway the small sailing boat has made us feel good since more than ten years ago .


  1. I watch down the Hiroshima bay from top of Mt. Misen yesterday. But, I couldn't remember small boats were there or not. If I knew you are sailing, I might find you.
    By the way, is the new sailing boat expensive ?

  2. Although my sailing boat is very small , you maybe caught it in your sight

    because of the white main sail .

    A new sailing boat is quite expensive ! So I will not buy a new sailing

    boat even a small boat .

    Instead I might buy a second-hand sailing boat with good condition someday.
