Monday 24 December 2012

Mt. Takeda

I climbed Mt. Takeda in this morning.

When I began to climb Mt. Takeda, snow was falling.

So I did not expect the good view from the top.

First photo was  a view from the top at that time when  I had just arrived at the top .

It was so  snowy that I couldn't see Hiroshima City.

Fortunately,  the sky became blue 30 minutes later.

And  I felt  so happy, because my physical condition was recovered .

Torn muscle seemed to be also recovered.


Tuesday 18 December 2012

kindle fire HD wi-fi setting is no problem

I have just received kindle fire HD today.

Wi-fi setting was completed easily.

When I entered password, I can connect the wi-fi access point immediately.

Sunday 16 December 2012

kindle paper white wifi setting problem

Though  the  password of wifi accespoint  was  entered correctly , the kindle could not connected to the accesspoint.

Then I could have the useful procedure to solve that problem on internet.

Procedure & Tips

1. First, go ahead to detailed option .

Important tip: To scroll up the screen , Move a  finger on the screen  from the bottom to top.

2. Change connection type from DHCP to STATIC.

3.Enter IP address. (Check the wifi access point status.)

Tip:  For example, last figure "3" should be changed to other no..

4.Enter subnet mask. : the wifi access point status.)

5.Enter default gateway (Router) : the wifi access point status.)

6.Enter DNS.: the wifi access point status.)

7.Enter password.

8. Tap "Connect".

The kindle can be connected to the wifi access point immediately.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Imaginery number calculation in Excel

I could find excel functions for the calculation of imaginery number on web.

Therefore my problem about the calculation was solved.

Those functions of complex, imsum, improduct,imsub,imdiv, imreal and imaginery are so useful.

I do not have to worry about the negative number in root .

Sunday 9 December 2012


I went to Qatar to make a presentation to our customers in the week of Nov.25.

The weather was so good .

I stayed in Doha where is the capital of Qatar.

Anyway I am still very tired because of series of overseas business trip.

Sunday 11 November 2012


I had a very nasty nightmare .

The reason might be side effects of my drugs.

It has broken me  .

But I have to live with broken heart . 

Friday 26 October 2012

Korean Food

I have just arrived at my home from Korea.

I think that taste of Korean cuisine is more complicated than Japanese one .

Especially Korean soup include many ingredients in it .

And I would like to try to eat "Kejan", but I have not yet eaten that .

Japanese cuisine is quite  simple but it draws an unique taste from each material .

Of course I like Japanese cuisine very much.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

I cannot sleep without sleeping pills.

I could not sleep at the hotel in South Korea last night.

Although I recognize that sleeping pills is my lifeline , I forgot to take sleeping pills for business
trip to Korea.

I was so disappointed at my carelessness  .

I felt that time passed very slowly last night.

The trouble resulted in my temporary coming back to Japan.

Now I am at my home , and tomorrow morning I will visit the hospital to get sleeping pills and then   I will go back to Korea tomorrow evening .

Therefore I am quite tired .

Sunday 21 October 2012

Today's English study

I have taken TOEIC test again.

Though I can predict the bad results  due to the previous test, I had already scheduled this test before taking the previous test.

Since the payment for this test have already been finished, I have taken this test.

I should take the next test later than Feb.,2013.

Anyway  I will study English  more seriously than now.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Imaginary number in Excel

I encounter a problem for calculation in Excel.

When I deal with imaginary number in Excel, I do not  know how to deal with imaginary number easily.

I have tried to convert imaginary number to pole coordinate .

Such as r(cosα+isinα),I can deal with it in Excel.

But it is very complicated.

I would like to know a better way to calculate imaginary in Excel.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

DLIFE Animation Kim Possible

I often watch TV animation  "Kim Possible"on DLIFE recently .

That is an animation for children .

But the conversation in English on that is not so easy to understand for me.

Anyway I enjoy "Kim Possible" because of the funny story with natural English conversation .

Sunday 14 October 2012


I enjoyed  sailing today in Hiroshima bay .

Wind  was very good , so the sailing boat could sail very well.

I saw more than 5 sailing boats .

I could be relaxed well during the sailing .

But my concern is that my boat is very old , so the condition is getting worse.

The deterioration might not be acceptable for our safety sailing .

In the near future I should decide which  the boat will be retired or repaired  .

Anyway the small sailing boat has made us feel good since more than ten years ago .

Monday 8 October 2012


Yesterday I went to Higashiyama ravine to mushroom lonely by my motorcycle .

Higashiyama ravine is headwaters of Minochi river .

I found some mushrooms or toadstools  but I could not identify the name of them .

Wednesday 3 October 2012

A torn muscle

I had a torn muscle in my right hamstrings about 3 weeks ago.

Now I am gradually recovering from that .

Stretching muscles seems to be more important than strengthening muscles for me.

By the way, when the accident happened in our factory , our   company forced me conceal the


Monday 1 October 2012

Early coming home

I was so tired that I returned to my home from my office  in this early afternoon.

I asked my mother to take my drugs before I  left home in this morning.

So ,now I have got drugs.

I want to sleep well tonight .

Sunday 30 September 2012

I have to sleep early .

I was  so tired that I could not go to anywhere except my berth to check my boat before the typhoon had approached.

Fortunately wind seemed to be not so strong  .


Thursday 27 September 2012

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

I read  the  classic novel "  The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" on the return way to my home .

I bought it from via E-book reader called "amazon Kindle" .

In the past , I was not interested in E-book because I thought that the view was not so good.

But now I think that E-ink seems to be  same as real book .

Free classic books are  supplied to everyone by Gutenberg Project .

Gutenberg invented typography .

Sunday 23 September 2012

English Study

I have taken TOEIC test .

Then I am deeply disappointed at the slowest  improvement of my performance for English communication  .

I have clearly found out the reason.

I should spend much longer  time to study English !

By the way I am a little bit surprised that so many people take the TOEIC test .

Thursday 20 September 2012

A tip for pronouncing "V" .

I take  an English lesson once a week .

Tonight I took the lesson.

Then I could get a tip for pronouncing "V" sound .

I would like to note it not to forget .

"V" sound can be made by using voice box .

Using voice box means that vibrating own's vocal cords .

I learned that the sound is called "voiced".

Conversely, the sound without vibrating own's vocal cords is called "unvoiced".

 For example , " V "and "Z" sounds are the voiced sounds .

Such as "v" of "vale" , "z" of "zip " .

"F"and "S" sounds are the unvoiced sounds.

Such as "f" of "fail" , "s" of "sip " .

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Blogger New Interface

The new interface have been adapted automatically.

And it did not work well on  IE .

So I reluctantly had to change the browser from IE to Google Chrome.

The new interface might work well on Google Chrome.

I suspect that such a poor situation was caused due to a trick by Google.

Anyway I bought a board game called "Scrabble" from Amazon. com .

It is an interesting game to play for learning English words.

My English teacher introduced the remarkable game to me.

My concern is just only one that  I have no player with me ...... .

Sunday 16 September 2012

Buckwheat noodles

Today I went to Dongri-an in Toyohira town  in order to eat buckwheat noodles.

The restaurant was full of customers, so we had to wait for more than 30 minutes.

And I was  very disappointed about the taste.

Though it used to be so good ,  I felt so bad about it today.

In my diagnosis , too many people went to the restaurant so that the responsible staff could not cook buckwheat noodles as always  ( such as inadequate boiling time ).

Anyway I really confirmed that I should not have gone to the  restaurant on Sunday.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Forest road

I went to the remarkable forest by the off-road bike today.

There were many pools on the road because of the preceding shower.

But I felt that the condition of the road was relatively good.

The road was repaired by the reasonable method , thus putting additional ballast on the area to be repaired.

The river along with the road still runs as always with very clear water .

Then I could see many fishes called "Amago" in the beautiful river.

And I hoped that I would come to that place with my friends in the very near future.

Thursday 6 September 2012

No drinking day

I have completed the challenge for no drinking day  as 2 times a week for 10 weeks yesterday.

Therefore I hope my liver has got better than the past.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Uploading the photo successfully completed.

I can upload the photo from Picasaweb  album.

The attached photo shows monkeys in the rice field.

Please enlarge the photo to see the monkeys.

I took this photo on the way to the hot spring in Shimane prefecture on  last Sunday.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Uploading the photo is not available.

I tried to upload the photo from my PC.

But I couldn't do so.

Though I have checked on web to get any solution from anyone who published it .

But he only noted that all of sudden he could upload the photo as always .

I am really in trouble . 

Sunday 2 September 2012

One day touring

I visited  Shimane prefecture by my bike Serow 250 .

 My Serow was repaired completely yesterday.

So I decided to ride the motorcycle .

And on the trip I found many monkeys.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

English Study

Now I take  English lesson almost  every week.

I believe  that my pronunciation is garadually getting better.

My teacher is so kind and earnest that I can enjoy English study.

And I watch BBC World News recorded on the recorder every day.

It is very useful for me  not only to study English but also to know what happen all over the world at this moment.


Monday 18 June 2012


Nana !

You must be happy during your short life.

I always love you.

You have inspired me to live with a good heart.

Nana, I never forget you.

Thank you for your genuine heart for me.

Rest in peace !

Sunday 17 June 2012


My puppy has died today morning.

I am very sad . 

Kidney disease attacked her .

Sunday 19 February 2012

Major Depression

In these days my mental condition is very bad continuously.

Yesterday I went to the mental clinic .

And then the doctor wrote the medical certificate.

It indicates that I should not work overtime more than 5 hours a month and go to business trip until end of March.

Now I am busy for the job , but I should take care of myself .

Health is more important than job.

Though I know it well , but I would not like to break my promise with our customer.

I feel this situation is very stressful .


Monday 9 January 2012

Open University of Japan

I have been watching TV lectures  which have been broadcast by the open university of Japan.

These TV lectures  are very interesting .  And free of charge.

The lectures include several subject such as English , Mathematics , Physics, Universe and so on.

Every weekend  I always  prepare to record the TV programs of next week into HDD recorder.

And next week end I watched the TV lectured recorded on  HDD recorder .

Thursday 5 January 2012

First walk with my puppy

I walked my puppy yesterday .

It was first time .

She frightened when I brought her to the  path near my house.

However  after a few  minutes , she began to walk along with me .

My puppy will be a good friend of my walking .